lørdag 15. september 2012

100 dager igjen til Jul!

I dag starter nedtellingen
100 dager igjen til Jul!

 Det fantastiske bilde er fra Pinterest

4 kommentarer:

  1. Gleeeder meg til jul!! Og gleder meg til aa foelge med paa din juleblogg i aar ogsaa her fra India. Hilsen Line

  2. Hello,

    I'm not sure the best way to get in touch with you, but I've come across your inspirational Christmas blog and I was wondering if you'd take a look at my Christmas project?


    If you like it, I was wondering if you'd help us spread the word through your blog? In order for us to make our Christmas-Tree-in-a-Box greeting card a reality we need to reach our goal in the next few weeks.



    A new Mailable Christmas-Tree-in-a-Box for the holiday season.

    A Kickstarter project that will hopefully spread a little cheer for the coming holidays by sending out miniature Christmas trees to loved ones. When they receive the package, they simply... Open, Inflate, Decorate.

    Each package comes with a space to write a greeting, a pack of stickers and a prepacked balloon. It's only slightly thicker than a standard envelop and inflates to just over half a meter.

  3. Hejsan!
    Vad kul att jag hittade till din fina julblogg!
