Den siste vanlige søndagen før jul!
Den siste vanlige søndagen før jul!
En uke igjen til det første lyset skal tennes
Jeg er klar! Er du?
Flere lys har allerde kommet frem her og det
dukker opp mer og mer julepynt som dagene går..
Det første Julekortet fikk jeg før helgen
Fra Pasadena, Maryland USA og
medfølgende kom disse to ornamentene
Krabbe fordi Steamed Crabs er det Maryland er mest kjent for
Krabbe fordi Steamed Crabs er det Maryland er mest kjent for

Jeg og gutta var på kino i går
og så Blåfjell 2
Vi storkoset oss!
I dag har mannen hatt generalprøve på ribba
Han bestod!
Hello Christmas Friend!
SvarSlettI hope you are enjoying getting ready for Christmas. I wonder if you can help me with something? As you might have seen, next month I am doing a 12 days of Christmas series and I was hoping you could help me with one of the posts I am hoping to to do. I would like to do a post on the different foods that people enjoy at Christmas and I was hoping you could help me by writing a little paragraph about your favourite Christmas food. It doesn't have to be a long paragraph but I would love it if you could tell me why that particular food/dish/treat is special to you. I would also love it if you could include a recipe and maybe even attach a photo if you have one or two...or more!
Please don't feel too pressured to come up with too much. If you have posted about your favourite Holiday meal on your blog already and would be happy for me to use that post please just send me the link and I will add it.
I will naturally make sure that I link back to you and your blog in the post!
I hope you will be able to join in and share your favourite recipes!
Thank you!
Best wishes always,